Your name's Roy Caverna. You live in a peaceful and prosperous village. One day you learn that the inhabittants of the 3 neighbouring villages are going to sack and steal all your rice crops.
This day seems to start well: as usual, you're having a nap comfortably lying under a tree next to the river, lulled by the bird song and the water's gurgling.
All of a sudden, you're woken up by a fellow-inhabittant of your village. He looks panic-stricken! He tells you that the 3 neighbouring villages are planning an attack tonight to steal all your rice crops. To achieve their aim, they're going to use three exceptionally strong monsters.
This makes your blood boil. Without hesitating you jump on your faithful dragon Dubby to launch a surprise attack on these treators!
... on a dragon's back?
Dubby is a dragon, of a very rare and endangered species. You have adopted him when he was a baby and he's been your best friend ever since. Just like every dragon he can fly. Despite his appearance and his bad temper, he's endowed with an incredible strength and intelligence. That's what the neighbouring villagers are soon going to understand!
What about Roy? Is he relaxing?
Even if Dubby is doing his share of the work, you have to avoid the traps and the shootings. Don't forget that you must always anticipate the enemies'movements: don't try to be the fastest, try to be the smartest!
about gameplay: not too hard?
Dubby can fly in all directions. You can see that there is some inertia when changing directions and the fact that your dragon stops moving when shooting... but it's not bad for an animal! With a little practice these worries are quickly forgotten.
At the bottom of the screen you will find various information.
The energy gauge: each time you or Dubby is hit you will lose one point of energy. When you have no longer any energy you will lose one life and you must start again from the last checkpoint.
The charging bar: in order to shoot you have to charge and release the button. The specificity with Dubby is that the more you load, the weaker he will shoot.
If you release in the yellow zone, the shoot is almost straight: perfect when the enemies come in front of you.
If you release in the purple zone, your shoot will be directed to the bottom: ideal when your enemies are on the ground.
If you release the button in the red zone, your shoot is almost vertical: this is perfect when you fly over your enemies.
If you charge up to the maximum, the bar will blink: if you release, the shoot is vertical can also bounce backward. This is ideal when your enemies are hidden in the setting or if you are stuck on the right side of the screen.
To finish, the number of available lives: when they have all been used, the game stops, you lose and the neighbouring villagers can do what they have planned... but i twill never happen, will it?
Ok, can I rush in now?
Of course you can! But please, keep your eyes wide-open: don't remain stuck in the corner of the screen and try not to remain still. You can also use the setting to hide.
There are 3 levels in the game. At the end of each level you will fight the famous monsters which belong to the other villages. Not only are they huge, but they are also really dangerous... but this is definitely not a problem for you, is it?
English translation by Laurence NG